Number Four: Steve Hadfield
Your name: Steve Hadfield
Your age: 57
Your location: Hartlepool, UK
What you do for a living: Site Manager
How you know me – if you do: Me dad.
Q1: What do you think about advertising?
A1: It's required to sell products. It's the only way to sell things. I wouldn't know about a lot of things without it.
Q2: Which ads have you liked recently? Why?
A2: I like the ads with funny characters in them because it takes the boredom out of it. Meerkat and Argos with the 4 aliens are good. It gets my attention more because it's funny. But I saw a Halfords one earlier that wasn't funny, and that got my notice because I needed a sprocket set so I watched it. I go to the [social] club and I always ask people if they've seen the funny ads on the telly.
Q3: Can you remember any ads from the past? Which?
A3: Brooke Bond Tea with the chimps. Mashed potato with the little metal things. I can't remember the brand though.
Q4: In a sentence, and without googling!, describe what you think a brand is.
A4: An item.
Q5: Which brands are you loyal to, or passionate about now? Why?
A5: [Dad didn't think he was loyal at any, but then I pressed him knowing there was one brand he always goes for] Oh yeah - Carling! I like Carling. It's the taste I like. I know the ads have been on, but I couldn't describe them to you, I can't remember them.
Q6: When was the last time you took advantage of an offer? Who and why?
A6: Halfords. Sprocket Set earlier today. There is 50% off an it's a good quality set. I saw the ad then went online earlier and looked at other peoples reviews. The reviews were good so I spent more on that one than a cheaper one because of the reviews online. I copied the name of the Halfords one and then googled it to see people's reviews. The cheaper one was £20 cheaper but the reviews weren't as good. So when I found out that was the one I went on the Halfords website and reserved it, then we popped in earlier to pick it up.
Q7: Do you think advertising and marketing is good for society?
A7: [Pulls a funny face] I've never really thought about it...
Q8: Do you think advertising helps sway your opinion on whether to buy something or not?
A8: It doesn't sway my opinion but you do look at the product and work out if it's going to be a good deal. I never watch ads and think "I'm going to buy that" but I do think "Oh I'll look into that" and then it's in my head.
Q9: If you worked in advertising, how would you do things differently?
A9: It's something I've never really though of.
Q10: Would you like to ask the advertising industry any questions?
A10: It's not that I don't care about advertising, but I'm just happy to leave it to other people.
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