A totally unhelpful communication with Thames Water I had earlier. I thought I'd capture it here.
(I've edited slightly for clarity and security, but not changed the flow)
[Staff Name]: Hi, my name is [Staff Name]. How may I help you?
Mark Hadfield: Hi [Staff Name]
Mark Hadfield: I want to set up a Direct Debit but your form isn't accepting my sort code
Mark Hadfield: and I'm at work and can't call
[Staff Name]: Ok, I can see if I can help you with that.
Mark Hadfield: Thanks
[Staff Name]: So that I can fully understand how I can help you, I need to ask some questions, is that okay?
Mark Hadfield: OK
[Staff Name]: Is it a Uk bank account ?
Mark Hadfield: yes
Mark Hadfield: Cahoot - santander
[Staff Name]: Ok, what you will need to do is contact us via the telephone.
Mark Hadfield: But that is precisely what I have just said I cannot do
[Staff Name]: I know you said you are at work, but we are open untill 8pm each week day night
Mark Hadfield: This is totally unhelpful
Mark Hadfield: So I'm chatting to you because the website doesn't accept my details and you're saying I have to ring you up. It seems a bit silly, no?
[Staff Name]: I cannot take your details over web chat .
Mark Hadfield: So you are here just to tell me to try other methods?
[Staff Name]: I can certainly help with any other issues or questions you might have Mark?
Mark Hadfield: But the only issue I need help with you're telling me you can't help. I have tried saving your time and signing up to Direct Debits online. Your system isn't working properly so I'm trying to sort it as quickly as possible as I'm at work. You're now saying the only thing I can do is call. Which is directly what I didn't want to do.
[Staff Name]: I have not been notified there is a issue with our website today, but I will get it looked into .I cannot take detail over the web chat due to security, that I have asked you to call.
[Staff Name]: That is why * sorry
[Staff Name]: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Mark Hadfield: OK I will try and call later or login again tomorrow. I appreciate this isn't your fault [Staff Name], but I've just wasted the time I don't have, and achieved 0% of what I wanted. And what I want to do is give you money!
Mark Hadfield: No thankyou - have a good day.
[Staff Name]: Thank you Mark .
[Staff Name]: bye.
Mark Hadfield: Bye
[Staff Name] has disconnected.
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